Digitization in healthcare report

New report by Prof. Florian von Wangenheim and Prof. Elgar Fleisch in conjunction with McKinsey on digitization in healthcare and the CHF 8.2 billion opportunity for Switzerland.

Digitization in healthcare

Switzerland is known for its worldclass healthcare system, but rising healthcare-related costs have been a topic of growing concern. Switzerland has among the highest healthcare expenditures in the world, reaching CHF 82.1 billion or 11.3% of GDP in 2019*. Premiums for mandatory basic insurance have steadily increased over time, at 3.8% per year between 1998 and 2019, well above average inflation of 0.5% per year in the same time frame. In addition, demography and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases point toward further healthcare expenditures and a need for structural change.

A new report by McKinsey and D-​MTEC professors Elgar Fleisch and Florian von Wangenheim describes how the Swiss healthcare system could have saved over eight billion francs in 2019 by exploiting currently available digital technologies.

Read more here.

The brief report here.

And the full report here.


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