Centers & Labs

In addition to the research carried out directly by the Technology Marketing Group, we are organized in several specialized labs and centers, forming a robust scientific network within ETH Zurich. This network enables our researchers to focus their research on particular specializations and fosters interdisciplinary innovation. By collaborating with these centers and labs, the Technology Marketing Group contributes to cutting-edge research and innovation in areas of societal relevance. We aim to generate value for society through excellent research, the development and testing of digital applications, and the implementation of real-world solutions.

Mobiliar Lab for Analytics

The Mobiliar Lab for Analytics focuses on enhancing digital interactions by leveraging artificial intelligence and emerging technologies. As digital interactions increasingly replace personal ones, our research aims to promote responsible usage, mitigating detrimental effects on individual well-being and societal resilience. The interdisciplinary and applied research spans cognitive and behavioral sciences, service marketing, ethics, applied mathematics, and computer science. The lab employs data science techniques, including machine and deep learning, and collaborates with business and societal partners to implement findings in real-world applications.

Center for AI Generated Value

The Center for AI Value focuses on identifying application fields for transformer-based AI, implementing concrete case studies, and providing economic evaluation of the potential of AI. The center collaborates closely with practice partners, transfers results into practice, and scales successful approaches. It also offers skills development and knowledge transfer through workshops, seminars, conferences, and publications. The efforts aim to transfer successful AI approaches into practice, scale them, and provide decision-makers with actionable recommendations.

Center for Digital Health Interventions

The Center for Digital Health Interventions is a joint initiative of the University of Zurich, ETH Zurich, the Singapore-ETH Centre, and the University of St. Gallen. The center aims to develop tailored digital healthcare solutions for the prevention and management of non-communicable diseases. Their research focuses on digital biomarkers, conversational agents, and voice assistants to support health-promoting behavior and increase adherence to health interventions. The center prioritizes open-source solutions and publishes research to increase the general population’s understanding of digital health. At ETH Zurich it offers the continuing education course, “CAS ETH in Digital Health,” which reflects its dedication to training future digital health experts.

Bosch IoT Lab

The Bosch IoT Lab explores innovative business models within the Internet of Things (IoT) and investigates disruptive IoT products and services. The mission is to derive actionable insights for managing digital transformation in large manufacturing companies and to develop groundbreaking solutions in mobility, health, and energy sectors. The lab's core areas involve IoT, machine learning, and blockchain applications, business incubation and technology validation, and supporting Bosch's IoT business expansion and scientific advancement.