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Our goal is to derive sensible solutions and recommendations to our research partners, whether they are companies, consumer protection organizations or policy makers. We attempt to present and publish our results in the appropriate forum to widen the impact of our research, both in the academic as well as the practitioners’ world.

Research in technology marketing is not bound to a certain theoretical, conceptual or methodological approach. We are therefore driven by what we consider relevant and fascinating research and business problems, but curious to use any methodological approach that would make sense to study the respective problem (thereby throwing the advice to restrict oneself to a certain theoretical and / or methodological area over board). Mostly, we argue based on social psychological theory, but complement this with sociological, economic, but more recently also linguistic approaches. We collect primary and secondary data, from conducting in-depth interviews via large-scale surveys, lab and field experiments, to analyzing large databases, and often attempt to connect these data sources.

You can find our publications and the current research projects under the following links:


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