Dr. Roberto La Marca
Research Interests

Roberto works as a senior psychologist at the Clinica Holistica Engiadina SA, a clinic specialized in the treatment of stress-related disorders. His main research areas are the bidirectional interaction between the mind (e.g. stress, resources) and the body (e.g. autonomic nervous system, endocrine system), the psychobiology of stress-related disorders and diseases, and the psychobiological effects of stress-buffering interventions. He actively collaborates with the Chair of Technology Marketing and the Mobiliar Lab for Analytics at ETH on scientific initiatives on the above topics.
Fields of research
Clinical Psychology, Psychobiology, Stress, Resources, Burnout, Depression.
Clinica Holistica Engiadina
Plaz 40
CH-7542 Susch
Email: rlamarca@ethz.ch