Min-Yi Chen

Min-Yi Chen

Student / Programme Doctorate at D-MTEC

ETH Zürich

Professur f. Technologiemarketing

WEV G 225

Weinbergstr. 56/58

8092 Zürich


Min-Yi Chen

My research focuses on how different communication strategies used by chatbots influence consumer behavior and how generative AI can be customized to meet the specific needs of various brands and customers. More broadly, my interests lie in AI in marketing, which includes applying data science techniques to explore various aspects of consumer behavior, branding, and retailing. I aim to bridge theoretical insights and practical applications, enhancing the understanding of AI’s role in marketing.

I hold a B.B.A. with a double specialty in Management and Materials Science from National Tsing Hua University and a Master of Science in Sustainable Management and Technology from EPFL. Additionally, I conducted my thesis at ETH Zurich’s Chair of Technology Marketing, leveraging topic modeling to analyze user-generated content for brand image extraction. Moreover, I have gained practical experience as a marketing and operations intern at multinational companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Unilever, and worked on a semester project as a student consultant for Logitech.