"Service and Technology Marketing Conference 2014"

The Technology Marketing Group participated in the "Service and Technology Marketing Conference 2014" with participants from University of Passau and University of Paderborn in Passau/Germany. Interesting presentations through the day and cosy dinners in the evening made a fantastic conference. Thanks for that!
Congratulations Dr. Armin Arnold
Armin defended his PhD Thesis at the TU München. The topic of his dissertation was "The Capital Market Outcomes of Marketing Executives' Insider Trades - Information Content and Stock Returns Risk Implications"
"Two Sides to a Coin: Investigating the Customer Value of Strategic Service Alliances," by Nancy Wünderlich and Anne Scherer
The paper titled, "Two Sides to a Coin: Investigating the Customer Value of Strategic Service Alliances," by Nancy Wünderlich and Anne Scherer has been accepted to be a part of a competitive paper session at the AMA 2015 Winter Marketing Educators¹ Conference. The conference is among the most highly recognized in the field of marketing. The upcoming conference will take place from February 13-15, 2015 in San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Theory Construction Workshop
Ajay Kohli, former Editor of the Journal of Marketing and among the 100 most cited authors in fields of Business and Economics, conducted a theory construction workshop on November 3rd, 2014 at D-MTEC.
Welcome Anna Salonen
We warmly welcome Anna Salonen from University of Turku as a guest researcher at our chair. She will stay at ETH for one year.